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How to boost your sales using Zeki CRM
If you own a business, you must have realized by now that no matter what skills you have for developing a wonderful product or service, only thing which will make your business successful is sales. Sales is hard. I will again say, Sales is Hard, and saying it again and again doesn’t make it any easier. I know that you have tried to find a star salesperson who can help you taking the company to new heights, but at the end of the day, it falls on your shoulder to spearhead this function.

You know why the hunt for finding an effective sales staff doesn’t work? One, because top sales people work for themselves and not for others and second, because you are putting your efforts in a wrong direction. The trick is to hire average sales people and make them achieve excellent results for your company. Ofcourse training and rewards go a long way motivating your team, but a good CRM contributes equally to success of a good team. More and more companies are realizing this now and are channelizing efforts in this direction.
Zeki CRM is a cloud based sales force & help desk system that helps you centralize all your data sources and provides a real time vision of your Customer information. It provides a well-defined platform for all business units to interact with their clients and fulfil all their needs and demands very effectively and to build long-term relationship.
We have designed Zeki CRM in a way that it identifies the most with your organisation’s sales goals.
Benefits of a good CRM

ZEKI CRM Dashboard
When you login Zeki CRM, you reach the dashboard. It is an easy access tool for all the information you wish to see on a daily basis.
Imagine you run a sales team of 20. They are running around all day and you have to call each one of them to keep track of their activities. Then you have to manually keep a track of their leads, contacts, results etc. It takes away so much of your bandwidth which you can use for value added tasks to grow your business or on product evolution.

Instead, motivate your sales team to feed all of this information in Zeki CRM. Track all the movement on the dashboard and make calls only when needed to support the team. Let them do their job in peace while you are on top of the sales efforts.

Campaign Management
As a business, you know the importance of organizing promotional events, attending business exhibitions and fair and launching time bound sales campaigns. This is an excellent way of generating leads which are much better than generating leads from social media and email marketing. However what happens to all these leads after such events. Can you pull out list of such leads from such events and find out what is the status of such leads? Did someone reach out to them and followed them up till closure. You will most probably realise that the person responsible for the campaign left the organisation and so did the data.
Not anymore. You can create sales campaigns directly in Zeki CRM and track the leads generated through its entire lifecyle. You can also track the expenses you incurred on a particular event and what was the return in terms of business so that you can take an informed decision on marketing spend.
ZEKI CRM Social Engine
Next notable function is Social Engine. This is a unique feature not provided by many CRMs. This is a common wall for users where they can post important updates pertaining to sales and other announcements. As a user, you can chose which other users to follow or which users can see which updates. In case of a campaign, you can customize the data posting only pertaining to the campaign. This eliminates the need of calling people and using other channels like whatsapp etc. Social Engine fulfills the need for recording all communication at one place while being on the top of latest updates.

ZEKI CRM – Inbuilt Calling
A lot of time of your sales staff goes on phone with your customers. In case of telecalling, the whole function is based on lead generation on phone. How do you ascertain the quality of such calls? Do you rely on their expertise or are able to give inputs for improvement? Zeki CRM comes with an option of inbuilt calling. Now you can not only make calls from the CRM but also record them for analysis and improvements.
What good is a platform without help and support? We all know the pain of dealing with a faceless organisation when we get stuck on a troubleshooting or usage issue. Zeki CRM now only comes with an extensive knowledge base equipped to answer all your queries but also gives you a relationship manager who remains in touch with you to understand and resolve your queries.
It often happens that your business outgrows a particular CRM and then you have to upgrade and move your data to another system. However essential it is for your business, it takes time for users to adapt to a new system. Zeki CRM can customize the solution by understanding the needs as your business grows. There is no need to migrate your data. Users can keep working on the platform they are comfortable working on which not only saves time but improves efficiency.